Knit Now

Great Excitement at Made By Ewe HQ today – a long awaited parcel arrived – well, I’ve only been waiting a week, but it seems like a long time!


and inside…


lots of lovely yarn!

It’s from Blacker yarn in Cornwall, and I’ve received it for a very special reason.


I’ve been commissioned by Knit Now magazine to design a toy pattern for their Jubilee issue in May!  The Jubilee issue is going to celebrate British yarns and British designers and I’m so honoured to have been chosen.  I can’t tell you what the pattern is yet, but I’m dying to get started, especially as some of the yarn is this interesting Guernsey yarn, which I haven’t used before.


Sorry – I couldn’t work out how to rotate the photo, but doesn’t it look yummy anyway!

So less chat and onto the needles – check out what everyone else has been up to over at Handmade Monday.

Wrap up warm! x

About madebyewe

Hello, and welcome to my blog, where I talk about the ups and downs of running a crafty business, knitting and life. I learnt to knit when I was a child in the 1970s. I think my Mum taught me, though it may have been one of my Nans. Both Nans were great crafters and my Mum knitted, when she had time. My childhood was full of wearing Mum's warm and cosy handknit jumpers to school and playing with yarn by the fire, making presents for my family and clothes for my toys. When I grew up, I started a business designing children's handknitted jumpers. Now I spend some of my time desgining gardens, as well as designing knitting. The garden design business is well established; the knitting design business is just starting out. I love the rhythmic quality of knitting, the feel of woolly yarn in my hands and the way a project grows beneath my fingers. It is relaxing and productive at the same time. I especially love vintage knitted toys and the quirky simplicity of the patterns. They were often made in times of austerity, when money and supplies were short, but the desire to create something fun inspite of this, shines through. I am a supporter of the Campaign for Wool, supporting the British wool industry, and using British yarn for my kits. Where would we be without fields of fluffy sheep to admire? Baa Humbug to acrylic!
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7 Responses to Knit Now

  1. Caroline says:

    The wool looks wooly scrumptious and congratulations on being asked of a special design.

  2. RosMadeMe says:

    Wow! That is just so exciting to be designing something for the jubilee… will have to hand it over to HM? LOL 🙂

  3. Wendy says:

    Wow – how exciting!! Can’t wait to find out more!

  4. Jill says:

    How exciting- looking forward to seeing what you make. Hope you have a good week.

  5. Jam Dalory says:

    You must be so proud, and so excited. Can’t wait to see what you make from it. x

  6. I have no patience for parcels, I’ve ordered something today that said 6-8 working days, WORKING DAYS? I work everyday. The wool looks very tempting I look forward to seeing the result

  7. Pingback: Bye Bye Bunnies! | madebyewe

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